What does SA’s Grey Listing mean for you and your business?

What does South Africa’s Grey Listing mean for you and your business? South Africa’s recent Grey Listing by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) has caused a great deal of concern for South African businesses and individuals. This decision, made on 24 February 2023, has noted the country’s lack of progress in combatting money laundering […]
Truzo becomes first and only FCA-approved digital escrow service

Truzo™ becomes first and only FCA-approved digital escrow service to focus on Africa London, UK, Johannesburg, South Africa – 2nd March 2023: Truzo, the first African-focused FCA-approved digital escrow service, officially launches in the UK this week. An established and fast-growing player in South Africa, Truzo now makes transactions between the UK and South Africa […]
Truzo Year in Review 2021

Goodbye 2021! It’s been a tough but GREAT year! A massive thank you to everyone who made 2021 the success it was, especially our dedicated and passionate staff. Have a safe and secure festive season, we’ll see you in 2022! Transcript We were on FIRE this year! So many lessons. SO much growth. Many Amazing […]
Scam Prevention

Scam Prevention When Selling Cars Privately There are few things more soul destroying than hearing the value of your car when taking it to a dealership for trade in or a second hand car salesman to sell. For some it may even be the difference between buying a new car or just sticking with the […]
Truzo Year in Review 2020

We are incredibly proud! It’s been a really tough year for everyone and we are incredibly proud of what the Truzo™ team has achieved in 2020. In a year of such uncertainty, it was vital to focus on the things we could control. Thank you to everybody who made the year a success and we […]
Truzo Saves the Fuel Industry R40 Million

Buy Diesel Using Truzo™ Now, more than ever, it is vital that buyers and sellers in every industry feel safe and secure when doing business – much of which is happening online now thanks to the local lockdown regulations, and the increasing need for business to be done virtually, often with new suppliers that have […]
Is Buying Online Secure?

Depends Who You Ask The more appropriate question we should be asking is: Can we make sure we are secure when buying online? The answer to that is an emphatic: Yes! Is it easy or do I need to jump through hoops? It can be as easy as saying “secure” or a little less straight […]
Creating Trust during Lock Down

It’s an uncertain time for South Africa The fierce tug of war between economy and health can be seen playing itself out on social media platforms, the varied opinion pieces in the press, on WhatsApp groups and chats between friends, family and colleagues. A debate that will likely be recorded in our history books without […]